Today is the pain of my life!!
Jz bac from my dental surgery.
Part of my lips still numb..
and my mouth is slightly swell.
Damn..the pain really kills me right now.
Now I understand why some people scared to see the dentist dy...
To hear those surgery tools making high-pitch sounds with your teeth.
The sound is so clear as my ears are my neighbours to my mouth.. ~_~
So annoying and so scary...
Can't imagine of it??
Jz try to scartch the blackboard with your finger-nails...tat's jz as horrible as tat!
Through the whole 1 hour process..
I kept my eyes shut really well.
It's for sure to shut my eyes since I dun wan to see those "tools" to frighten me and lower my spirit + a bit of bravery I left..
Jz keep on praying hard to God in my heart to go through it faster...
I get around 5 times of injections to numb part of my mouth.
First time I get suntik inside my mouth..
I even can feel the needle went through the flesh of my mouth.
The doctor injected so deep tat I can even feel the needle nearly reach my chin.
Then, the doctor "saw" my teeth...
yaya...jz like a saw cutting the wood.
the sound is so alike...
My wisdom tooth seems like very tight at the root..
cz I can feel the doctor really press me hard and try to pull it so hard...but failed for a few times... ~___~
The laz part is the most tense moment.
When the doctor started to do the stitches for my wound..
I started to feel some pain dy...
Get so nervous when I peeped and saw the needle + line.
I can feel and guess tat I get quite a lot of stitches...
This is the most unforgetable experience...and the worst one.
I rather to get surgery at other part but not my teeth and mouth.
The fourth time in my life getting stitches. sigh~
Duno why..but seems like I oweyz get stitches at my right-side face.
so fated eh?
It's the third stitches dy lo...
First one, I get 5 stitches for falling down at the stairs and knocked my chin with the donation tin I'm holding..tat happened when I'm in Standard 4.
Then, I get some fen liu at my right cheek and need to cut it off...There's another stitches to go.
The third one is tis stupid right-lower-wisdom tooth tat grow "cacat"... SWT!
But luckily I won't get another parut since it's inside my mouth.
Well..I'm a tiny-bit glad to hav tat thought. ^o^