as everyone has looking forward to~
Window Vista finally had officially launched in MMU!
Never been happened is tat...
Microsoft actually been so nice to give out FOC license key to the students..
Well...although it's just Business Edition~
But who don't love things which was FOC??
Sumore is the license key which costs around RM500 on the market tat are free?!
I think 80% of the students are using the pirated version of Windows in their computer.
Of cz all the people are fussing around and try to grab one license key lo!
It's feeling good to use a genuine Windows ma...Haha!
Steven and I had knew there would be a lot of ppl gonna go get for the license key.
So we came around 10 sumthg as the event started around 11am.
When we reach there...
OMG~there's really a HUGE crowd at MPH outside.
and I heard my friend said tat inside the hall oledi packed with ppl. @o@
People really getting crazy for the free key...me included~haha!
But the nightmare was...we had waited and being sardine outside for 1++ hour b4 we get to step in the hall!!!! We had been sweaty and tired jz to get inside the hall..
But the stupidity of getting free license key in the event..
is tat u hav to go and queue for a few stations...
answer a few question or do some hands-on stuff..
Get 5 stamps out of the 8 ones from the station...
Then u oni can queue up to register...
Then queue up again for another to get the CD key...
And again...queue up to get ur DVD burned for the Genuine Windows Vista software.
I think there's the first time in my life I'm queuing up for so many times in a few hours for an event... *pathetic*
Sumore..U hav to bring ur own DVD to get the software..
tat makes everyone of us hav to queue up jz to wait for the burning process. >.<
Walao~Microsoft making so much money tat they are willingly to give us the free CD Key but not a Window Vista DVD??!! Zzzzz...
It's stupid that we have to line-up for it...
and sumore stupid that they're burning the DVD for whole day~
Where can the DVD burner can survive for the day??
So...it turned out only one burner was function after a few hours of burning~
Expected overheated situation... @_@
For 4++ hours we'd suffered...
at laz we get the CD KEY dy!!!!
Such a relief tat all these had ended!!
Huh...so tiring and dying to do all the waiting and queuing~
Nvm...Oni the series of digits and alphabets tat matters us~LOL!
Add-ons story:
During the night...Uncle Hugo and me chatted.
He knew me had gotten the license key dy.
Here's the conversation goes~
wk1168: lalalalalala
wk1168: gimme cd key
Jessica Lim: 34dser-5tup1d-5h1t
wk1168: waa
wk1168: u really give me
wk1168: i wan certify you NOT-KIAM-SIAP
wk1168: i wont use the key anyway
wk1168: heheh
Hahahaha~ I really get amused and SWT when I read his response...
Seems like I'm not a kiam-siap (stingy in hokkien) person to him~
I tot giving him a joke but he didn't get it pulak..
LOL..he's so so not in the channel..
So..I'd been kind to give him the "hint".
Jessica Lim: zzz..
Jessica Lim: plz scan thru d "cd-key" well
Jessica Lim: it's encrypted
wk1168: zzzzzzzzzz
wk1168: u r kiamsiap
wk1168: stupid-shit
wk1168: the front is...
Jessica Lim: nothing
wk1168: u r kiam siap!!
LOL~I didn't know whether I'm the evil one or he's the innocent one??
At laz...I'd been labeled as "kiam-siap" by Uncle Lim.
During the night...Uncle Hugo and me chatted.
He knew me had gotten the license key dy.
Here's the conversation goes~
wk1168: lalalalalala
wk1168: gimme cd key
Jessica Lim: 34dser-5tup1d-5h1t
wk1168: waa
wk1168: u really give me
wk1168: i wan certify you NOT-KIAM-SIAP
wk1168: i wont use the key anyway
wk1168: heheh
Hahahaha~ I really get amused and SWT when I read his response...
Seems like I'm not a kiam-siap (stingy in hokkien) person to him~
I tot giving him a joke but he didn't get it pulak..
LOL..he's so so not in the channel..
So..I'd been kind to give him the "hint".
Jessica Lim: zzz..
Jessica Lim: plz scan thru d "cd-key" well
Jessica Lim: it's encrypted
wk1168: zzzzzzzzzz
wk1168: u r kiamsiap
wk1168: stupid-shit
wk1168: the front is...
Jessica Lim: nothing
wk1168: u r kiam siap!!
LOL~I didn't know whether I'm the evil one or he's the innocent one??
At laz...I'd been labeled as "kiam-siap" by Uncle Lim.