Of cz not becz of labour day can get holiD la~ @_@
but is getting to watch Spiderman 3 that's long awaited!
We'd planned for this weeks ago..
So kan cheong and sked that we can't get the tickets.
Luckily got Voon Fei's gf, CY's help to e-payment and booked the tickets earlier..
There are twelve of us..
3 pairs of couples + 6 mah lat lous >.<
mE + Steven + Bryan + Hugo + Kenny + WaiSeng + Chuah,
7 of us went to Low Yat RedBox and sing K b4 the movie..
while the other two couples split and went to Time Square to shop.
As it's public holiD, it's RM20++ per person instead of RM7 student price we can get..
boh huat la~if not ntg to do dy..
But we do really have a great time singing K~
although it's more of a English-K rather than a Chinese-K.. (since more of us is banana

but we had a great and CRAZY time singing till our throat sore and voice out...
We also had spotlight-of-the-day, WaiSeng first-time singing chinese song!!
Everything had been recorded down...hahaha!
Real funny and entertaining!
More crazy pics and videos will be uploaded here..
When it's time to pay the bill~
we get so shocked and pissed...charge us around RM45 for kacang putih..
sumore is compulsory to pay de..cannot refuse~zzzz..
Next time can't sing during public holiD dy..so EX!
GreenBox better..at least got Free flow of drinks and kacang putih. @__@
Then, it's Spiderman3 time!
Get so excited..and of cz~the cinema is FULL!
The movie is terrific and awesome..
but it's too much of details somehow~
make me kinda bored at some point during the movie... @_@
then the fighting scene @ climax of the movie get so short..
the Venom so easily destroyed and Green Goblin Jr. died in the end..
Sigh~that's d sad part..
They should focus more at the laz fighting scene instead of the details all the way..
But overall still great!!

We'd dinner at a hong kong-based restaurant at TGV nearby.. (forget the name dy)
It's kinda similar like Kim Gary..
The food there are kinda nice..
but the cheese-baked rice and french toast~
I would said Kim Gary taste nicer...
It's a nice place for Hi-Tea though cz there have many kinds of dessert to choose..
On our way home..
we found a free mobile phone-charging booth at Monorail station.
There have ALL kinds of phone charger..
Nice service eh~
Funny videos at RedBox will be available HERE.
All photos taken for this will be available HERE.
1 comment:
jess.. u so enjoy ur life there hor..
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