after all the hard works we'd done together for the past few days.
and not to forget all the efforts months before to make this a happening event~
Proudly present you...
*grand music intro..drums rattling*
*grand music intro..drums rattling*

"Banquet Night", or mostly known as The Banquet
by us, the CNYE10 Dinner Group! ^o^
by us, the CNYE10 Dinner Group! ^o^
Me and ZYin are in charge of the reception.
We will be leading all our guests to their tables.
At first all things gone smoothly..
But when it's the peak of the time where many guests has come altogether~
the situation gone so blur and bz.
We're walking all around the hall~ @___@
After our VVIP, Dato Dr. Ng Yen Yen had arrived...
there's not much to do at the reception dy.
But no moment of relaxing~
cz suddenly me and ZYin get called to go serve tea to all the guests.
It's a horror when we found out tat the others were bz serving dishes..
and only 2 of us serving 35 tables of guests!
Yikes... @___@||l
Some tables doesn't even have been served the tea before.
and most of the tables had finished their first round and ask for more~
The most horror part should be the "kitchen" keep on out of tea..
as they didn't keep on boiling it~
Sumore as the beginner of being "茶水妹", I got like twice dripping the tea~
Those are my critic moments...haha!
But after that..things get controlled and there's more people to help.
There's moments to relax abit and get a peek of the stage performances. long ago dy~

The show got so much "ohm" in it...
They are so on the beat~Nice!

It's nice...they dance with the Fish Leong's song.
Although the dance looks like so unusual...
but they dance through their body languages by telling a story.
Kinda artistic..hehe!
But I figure out the whole hall laughing when they see the laz part..

Cz the song had finished...and the guy will jump till the all the other dancers stepped out from the stage...
Maybe they should try to do all these b4 the song ended.
If not really kinda weird and tat's why people are laughing. @__@
Then there's the Drama show was kinda amusing and funny too.
Though it oso brings out the meaning of being reunion as a family.
The 3 "fairy" acting cute and funny..
I think the part they're doin the cooking and reading the recipe out makes many laugh. ^o^
Overall, the performances and games gone very well~
Everything seems like going very smoothly and successfully...
not much kiosk happen when the VVIP were in the dinner.
Of cz..there won't be a grand dinner event without a long-marathon "YAM SENG"!!!!!
hahaha....the whole hall was fulled with hit atmosphere~
All of the guests stand up and have a long long long of
Seems like everyone having a great time~ ^o^
Busy + Tiring + Happy + Excited + Proud!
*to be continue*
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